
Nicole O’Byrne is a Registered Dietitian who graduated with honours from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelors of Science, Food Nutrition and Health. Nicole also completed a two-year Diploma in Sports Nutrition with the International Olympic Committee and holds an ISAK Level 1 certification in body composition assessment. Nicole is a member of the College of Dietitians of British Columbia and Dietitians of Canada.

Nicole started her career in Vancouver, BC and has worked with a wide range of clients from athletes to those suffering with eating disorders and chronic disease. She previously worked with varsity athletes from McMaster University and York University, as well as a sessional lecture at the University of British Columbia where she taught sports nutrition. Currently, Nicole is the Lead Varsity Sport Dietitian at University of British Columbia and is a contractor for the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific.

Nicole has always had a passion for food and sports and loves combining these interests to help clients optimize their athletic performance.

Nicole is currently based in Vancouver and offers Telehealth services to those located in British Columbia.